Technology of ACCUNIQ Body Composition Analyzer Blood Pressure Monitor ACCUNIQ Technology ACCUNIQ Technology ACCUNIQ has developed extremely accurate body composition analysis using Bioelectrical Impedance and our own advanced engineering excellence. Measurements have been validated to DEXA measurement known to be the most accurate method for body composition assessment. Bioelectric Impedance Analysis ACCUNIQ uses advanced BIA (Bioelectric Impedance Analysis) technique. MORE Importance of body composition analysis Body Composition analysis offers providers the in-depth data needed to improve diagnosis and treatment. MORE Accuniq Body Composition Analyzer Multi-Frequency 8 Point Touch electrode method that correlates highly with DEXA MORE FAQ Provide an immediate response to customer inquiries, how to use the productand simple theoretical explanation. MORE Bioelectric Impedance Analysis ACCUNIQ uses advanced BIA (Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis) and its proprietary engineering innovations that correlate highly with DEXA measurements. BIA is safe and sends a small electrical current through the body to measure resistance to current flow. Body Fat is a poor conductor of current while muscle and water are good conductors. Fats (non-conductor) No current flows = high resistance = high impedance Muscle / water (conductor) Current flows easily = low resistance = low impedance Importance of body composition analysis Healthy people maintain a constant rate of between body compositions such as water, protein, fat, minerals. When the balance in body composition of our bodies is broken, one can be exposed to either the risk of metabolic diseases, heart disease, diabetes which are caused by obesity or edema caused by body water imbalance. Multi-Frequency Measurement Accurate obesity diagnosis can only be performed when the amount of weight and body fat are considered together. Muscular people such as athletes or fitness trainers are overweight, but their body fat percentage does not exceed the average percentage. Accuniq Body Composition Analyzer ACCUNIQ technology includes analysis of total body water, intercellular and extracellular water using a range of frequencies (1KHz-1MHz) Results are useful to providers to determine a variety of disease states and afflictions. Multi Frequency measurement A frequency lower than 100kHz is utilized to measure outside the cell as it flows along the cell membrane, and high frequency of 100kHz and above is utilized to measure the total amount of water as it flows through the cell membrane. 8 Touch-sensitive Electrode Method with high precision and repeatability ACCUNIQ uses an 8 touch-sensitive electrode method that is complex yet precise. ACCUNIQ analyzes body composition by placing 8 electrodes on both hands and feet or both hands and ankles respectively. 4-pole, 8-point touch-sensitive electrode method Detachable / measuring electrodes Accuracy Competitors 2-pole, 4-point touch-sensitive electrode method Integrated / measuring electrodes Easy High Correlation with DEXA As a way to measure body composition, there are various methods such as computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Water Density Method, etc. However, as dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, DEXA provides more precise body fat analysis based on three components – fats, muscles and bones, and it is safe in terms of the radiation exposure. Hence, DEXA is currently believed to be the gold standard. ACCUNIQ had conducted clinical validation for accuracy with DEXA in clinical professional body, IHT which is located in Texas, and the results have shown that the accuracy of ACCUNIQ body fat measurement showed a higher correlation to DEXA than competitors. [BCA Accuracy study at IHT (Integrative Health Technology)] The closer the correlation coefficient (R2) in the graph is to 1, the higher the agreement between the DEXA body fat mass (LBM) and the body fat mass (LBM) measured by each BCA instrument. The correlation coefficient (R2) of ACCUNIQ was 0.93, which was higher than that of Company A (0.91) and Company B (0.85), which proved its accuracy compared to DEXA, a gold standard of body composition analysis. FAQ What is the procedure of installing the Data management program? An installation file is in a CD that is offered with the BCA device. Refer to the user’s manual about the installation and instructions for use. What is the procedure of installing the Data management program? An installation file is in a CD that is offered with the BCA device. Refer to the user’s manual about the installation and instructions for use. What is the procedure of installing the Data management program? An installation file is in a CD that is offered with the BCA device. Refer to the user’s manual about the installation and instructions for use. What is the procedure of installing the Data management program? An installation file is in a CD that is offered with the BCA device. Refer to the user’s manual about the installation and instructions for use. What is the procedure of installing the Data management program? An installation file is in a CD that is offered with the BCA device. Refer to the user’s manual about the installation and instructions for use. What is the procedure of installing the Data management program? An installation file is in a CD that is offered with the BCA device. Refer to the user’s manual about the installation and instructions for use.